![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:12 • Filed to: PSA, OPPO, Reverse | ![]() | ![]() |
Well it finally happened at work. One of our baggers was backed into by an older Hyundai Sonata (He's fine... she only hit the carts he was pushing in). The reason? He had no clue she was backing up. Why? Both of her reverse lights were burnt out! I've seen this quite often as well... so many cars have only one light working and I always try and tell them. Please, get a friend, family member, or use your handbrake and some bricks behind the wheels, but please CHECK TO SEE IF THEY WORK! I know it seems silly but I don't know of any cars that actually warn you when they are burnt out.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:15 |
I'm more wary about cars who use their reverse lights to indicate that someone either: pressed the "unlock" on the key fob, or they are entering/exiting the vehicle. I fail to see how these lights help in those situations, and yet they freak drivers out, thinking that someone is going to back straight into the side of their car.
That said, check your reverse lights people.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:16 |
Don't most cars have an idiot light for that?
Mine does, which is helpful because I'm an idiot.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:16 |
I actually did a rant on the GM cars that do that as one of my first Oppo posts! Don't get me started on how confusing that is for us and other drivers.
They sit and sit thinking they are pulling out, but then the guy just walks up to his car with a full cart of groceries!
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:17 |
Interesting, none of ours do! I know because we had the one on our Pilot burn out and only knew because some dude told us!
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:18 |
Angled parking is the worst for me. I know the driver can't see me if he is backing out, so I go "cautious and ready to swerve" mode and it turns out they are just getting out of the car.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:24 |
Is this a bad time to admit my first car didn't have working reverse lights from 1988 until 2005 when I crashed it? Not in reverse mind you. Whoops.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:25 |
Yesterday I saw a truck with reverse lights that came on whenever the driver pressed the brakes. I do hope it was just part of the shitty aftermarket taillights.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:25 |
Now you've got me feeling guilty...
The reversing lights on my 850R aren't working, but the bulbs are fine. I suspect that the contacts in the selector switch are dirty, but I really don't want to have to deal with disassembling things to get to it until the weather warms up a bit. Working with plastic parts in well-below-freezing temperatures is a recipe for heartache and pain. The irony is, though, that if the bulbs were burned out, it WOULD show a warning light. Without the signal to turn them on, though, the only way I found out was when I was reversing into a space in a dark parking ramp, and didn't see their reflections on the car opposite. No idea how long they'd been out for!
At the least, though, I'm aware of the issue and as a result, am extra careful when reversing.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:28 |
Well it seems like something most cars should have! Obviously it helps you know immediately when one burns out.
I've actually had the light on for a few days because I haven't gotten around to fixing the burnt out license plate light (its been so cold).
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:31 |
As a bagger who pushes a lot of carts, I am now really paranoid now. Thanks!
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:31 |
Thats another thing but I didnt really feel like going into...
BE CAREFUL WHEN BACKING OUT! Don't floor it and always look behind you!
Thats something saved for another rant later!
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:32 |
Thats the second issue... our whole lot is angled. And so many cars, like any of the Panthers, the Honda Pilot, newer cadillacs, etx have lights you can only see when directly behind!
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:34 |
I 've nearly been hit about 10 times now since I've been there for a year. Those were like the super near misses though. I've had countless other screaming and trunk banging moments!
We Jalops have an advantage though... we know where to look for reverse lights!
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:42 |
I cant tell cause rear tint on the window.....
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:44 |
Mine only has the one reverse light to start with, but I'm confident it's functioning as intended; I actually use it to help see behind me when backing up in unlit areas—something I have to do surprisingly often.
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The idiot light on my Benz is an irritant to me because my third brake light keeps sabotaging itself, and due to me having to fix a burned spot in the light controller, comes on for parking lights. So, brakes = on and stay on (usually, unless I've refixed the third brake light recently), and headlights on = idiot light on regardless.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:46 |
Im so confused that in our country full of dumb ass rules and regulations, having only one (sometimes really small) reverse light is okay!
That right there is the what is on the new VW Tiguan! It is so damn small and low you barely know its going in reverse!
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:46 |
Meh, even if the lights were out, why didn't the old person look? Oh wait, it's Florida. Everyone needs to get out of their way. Ugh, fucking Florida old people...
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:48 |
I was joking with someone else on this comment section earlier! That is saved for a later rant.
No one here looks when they back up! They also fucking floor it backing out!
You need to go nice and slow so NO ONE GETS HURT!
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:49 |
I used to let the old people hit me when I worked retail if it looked like there wouldn't be injuries. These old people need to learn how to look, and I'm a firm believer that a good scare should help with that.
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Probably a chip in the housing that was causing light to leak into the wrong compartment.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:51 |
I had a lady in a minivan back right into my stack of carts the other day (I was on the other side of the lot and no one was in the minivan when I put the carts there). She knocked all 5 over and without even thinking about it sped off so quickly.... these are the people that scare me behind the wheel. What if I, or another bagger was actually there?
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:52 |
I drive a Mini and by design it only have one reverse light.. You don't know how many times a month I get told that I have a backup light out.. Now instead of explaining it I just say thanks and go about my day..
On a side note, about 3-4 times a week I end up following this woman driving a Chrysler Pacifica with only the center brake light working (barely). I have attempted to tell her numerous times that she has a brake light issue but she doesn't get it. Maybe she will when someone slams into her because they didn't know she was stopping.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:54 |
It amazes me that people don't check all their lights every month. It's one of the fluids you should be checking to make sure it's still there.
It also amazes me that my reverse lights are still working. The back end of my switch somehow broke off, and I pretty well just epoxied wires to the remnants of the contact pins to get through a safety inspection. I wasn't even expecting them to make it the 30 miles of gravel to the mechanic's for the inspection, and they nearly didn't — after messing around with the gear shift, I slammed the door in disappointment and they came on. Six months and 3000 miles later, I moved provinces and had to get the Lada reinspected, and they somehow weren't one of the things that was failed. It's about 50/50 whether or not they come on at this point.
That said, though, I always park in such a way that I won't be reversing out of the spot (i.e. reversing in or pulling straight through). It's just better in so many ways, and I wish more people would do it.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:54 |
Indeed. I should mention, though: I'm in the UK, where cars like these:
Are perfectly legal from the factory. Considering that, I'm not really surprised that you can get away with lazy reverse light engineering . I am rather glad that we don't allow non-amber indicators, though.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:57 |
This is where I have to say being a Jalop comes in handy.. I actually know where to look for reverse lights on most every car.. it keeps me a little bit safer out there!
I've seen a few cars here like that.. and the drivers get all pissy when you tell them this information for no apparent reason
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:19 |
Knock on wood, but nothing yet! Though it hasn't been to long at all...
Though my car almost got hit by an idiot in a 350z stupidly doing donuts last night. He's lucky I wasn't any closer to him.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:20 |
Is this a thing now? Never seen anything like that.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:21 |
Damn …. got some electrical issues going on there.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:22 |
I have a light on my dash that tells me if I have a rear light out. I think it applies to reverse lights as well as brake.... I know if I have a running light out, it comes on. Most luxury feature about my car.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:22 |
I saw a DRIVER'S ED car with a burnt out third brake light yesterday. You'd think they'd check those....
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:23 |
The cheap makers fit one reversing light on one side and one rear fog light on the other side.
Not just the cheap ones. A previous Audi A6 had just that arrangement.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:25 |
Really? I've seen it for awhile now. Basically, the whole taillight assembly lights up in some models, like they are stepping on the brake and have shifted into reverse, ready to back up. Makes it damn confusing on what is actually happening.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:26 |
Maybe it's an American thing?
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:34 |
Definitely. I thought you might be living elsewhere with your profile name, but I didn't want to offend.
So, in recap, it happens all over, all the time in America .
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:35 |
She would be in jail. Even as is, you could have reported it as a hit and run since she knocked over your companies property, possibly damaging some of the carts. Course, she probably will get in trouble elsewhere soon driving like that.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:40 |
Do you get this thing where the lights (front and rear) come on after you close the doors and stay on for quite some time for no obvious purpose? It's been spreading like a rash.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:41 |
Only at night I believe. I think it is related to having automatic headlights.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:49 |
Odd. I first noticed it on my father's Focus (which doesn't have auto lights) and thought it must have been an electrical fault until I saw it everywhere.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:50 |
But the taillights still came on too!
Perhaps I should mention the truck was all Pep Boys'd out.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:54 |
Yeah, that's what I mean. The lights would be on, but since the plastic bit between the compartments for reverse and running lights was broken, light got into there making it look like the reverse light is on. I had a car that looked a bit like that briefly after getting the tail-light broken by an idiot who wasn't looking where they were going.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:57 |
Huh...I could, of course, be totally off my rocker and pulling it out of my ass...
![]() 02/16/2015 at 15:21 |
Guilty, Guilty,Guilty.
my BO lights have been dead on my "occasional use" frontier for a year.
And yes, its not safe, and its a huge inconvenience for me because i have to wait a long time until nobody is behind me in a lot that could possibly be completely unaware that im backing up.
The Frontie is now my second car and it will get all those "ill do it later" maintenance fixes it needs this year, Ill teach the Boy (my son) how to diagnose and fix it, bonding moments and responsibility lessons.
see my tow strap post to defend i do try to be a safe motorist.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 15:32 |
There's a chance it could have just burnt out... but then it seems like fleet vehicles can be some of the worst maintained vehicles out there. Sure, there's someone responsible (and probably very competent) to maintain them, but half the time it seems like the drivers don't care enough to bother reporting things like that, or are too lazy.
At my summer job, I spent over a week driving around with a burnt out turn signal because my coworkers refused to let me take the van for 15 minutes to have the bulb swapped out, since "we didn't have time"... and yet we had plenty of time to sit around doing nothing for upwards of a half-hour at the end of our shift, after the fleet garage was closed... And why did the bulb eventually get replaced? The mechanics came and "stole" the van from us because my coworkers hadn't brought it in for its scheduled maintenance inspection a month prior and they were sick of booking the time for it and it not showing up.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 15:53 |
I hate this. Every. Fucking. GM. Product. They all activate the reverse lights when you lock/unlock them with the key. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?